Let guess "MONACO"'s poster,what is your answer?

$500?$1500?$3500?Maybe you just think that it is not worth to pay any things to buy it.
Actually the price of the poster is $88000(HKD). It may be the most expensive poster of the world. And the other poster is also with a very high price.You may think it is absurd to buy the above poster.
However for the poster-lovers or collectors, it is worthy because they treat these posters as an artistic production.

From the ex-creator of poster ,Chan told us a story about the change of the film poster. For the past drawer, they will view the poster as a major thing of the movie.It is a must compent of the movie to help the audiences to have a better and completed understanding of the movie.
It is quite different from now as we can see the poster creator treat the poster as a production of the movie and may not important for the movie.The producer of the movie will forcus more on the trailer of the movie as it is the mass media to attract the audience.
The history of the film poster
(From Lille, Poster Gallery, London (Reel Poster Gallery) the owner of Bruce Marchant said, the poster market in the 1990s, only began to appear.)
Originally, film posters were produced for the exclusive use by the theatres exhibiting the film the poster was created for, and the copies of the posters were required to be returned to the distributor after the film left the theatre.
In the United States, posters were usually returned to a nation-wide operation called the National Screen Service (NSS) which printed and distributed most of the film posters for the studios between 1940 and 1984.
As an economy measure, the NSS regularly recycled posters that were returned, sending them back out to be used again at another theatre. During this time, a film could stay in circulation for several years, and so many old film posters were badly worn before being retired into storage at an NSS warehouse (most often, they were thrown away when they were no longer needed or had become too worn to be used again). Those posters which were not returned were often thrown away by the theatre owner, but some film posters found their way into the hands of collectors.
Beginning in the 1980s, the American film studios began taking over direct production and distribution of their posters from the National Screen Service and the process of making and distributing film posters became decentralised in that country.
From this generation , many people will just buy the ticket to watch the movie ,the other production of the movie are always be annoyed by the audiences.However ,to make the film more attractive to the people ,the prducer and sponsor should not only forcus on the movie and the trailer but also pay more effort on the side-production to make the movie more life-longing.

photos from http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/template/apple_sub/art_main.php?iss_id=20070321&sec_id=38163&subsec_id=6038907&art_id=6919789
$500?$1500?$3500?Maybe you just think that it is not worth to pay any things to buy it.
Actually the price of the poster is $88000(HKD). It may be the most expensive poster of the world. And the other poster is also with a very high price.You may think it is absurd to buy the above poster.
However for the poster-lovers or collectors, it is worthy because they treat these posters as an artistic production.
From 陳楚鴻

From the ex-creator of poster ,Chan told us a story about the change of the film poster. For the past drawer, they will view the poster as a major thing of the movie.It is a must compent of the movie to help the audiences to have a better and completed understanding of the movie.
It is quite different from now as we can see the poster creator treat the poster as a production of the movie and may not important for the movie.The producer of the movie will forcus more on the trailer of the movie as it is the mass media to attract the audience.
The history of the film poster
(From Lille, Poster Gallery, London (Reel Poster Gallery) the owner of Bruce Marchant said, the poster market in the 1990s, only began to appear.)
Originally, film posters were produced for the exclusive use by the theatres exhibiting the film the poster was created for, and the copies of the posters were required to be returned to the distributor after the film left the theatre.
In the United States, posters were usually returned to a nation-wide operation called the National Screen Service (NSS) which printed and distributed most of the film posters for the studios between 1940 and 1984.
As an economy measure, the NSS regularly recycled posters that were returned, sending them back out to be used again at another theatre. During this time, a film could stay in circulation for several years, and so many old film posters were badly worn before being retired into storage at an NSS warehouse (most often, they were thrown away when they were no longer needed or had become too worn to be used again). Those posters which were not returned were often thrown away by the theatre owner, but some film posters found their way into the hands of collectors.
Beginning in the 1980s, the American film studios began taking over direct production and distribution of their posters from the National Screen Service and the process of making and distributing film posters became decentralised in that country.
From this generation , many people will just buy the ticket to watch the movie ,the other production of the movie are always be annoyed by the audiences.However ,to make the film more attractive to the people ,the prducer and sponsor should not only forcus on the movie and the trailer but also pay more effort on the side-production to make the movie more life-longing.
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