Movie & culture series - Movie posters (1)

The above poster are the scary movie posters.
Can you find the common elements in those posters?

Thirst (饑渴誘罪 / KOREA)
Photo from

Ju-on (白色咒怨 / JAPAN)
Photo from

Phobia 2 (5條大路通陰間 / THAILAND)

A Nightmare on Elm Street (猛鬼街 / AMERICA)

Yes! Their background colors mostly are BLACK and RED and they became the main attractions in the movie poster. And they will try to associate with the imagination of the movie in thinking which will make you scary and fear.

By the poster, you will have a first impression of the movie that you may afraid of. And the above poster is from different countries. Even they are both scary movies but they still have different characters as their country.

From the poster of “Thirst”, you can see the actors showed the main action of the vampire which trying to tell you the main idea of the movie in your first sight. Although it is not obviously but Korea movie poster often banned by the south Korea media which some of them can show in public or they can be really horrible.

Because it showed a priest in a sexual position, the original teaser poster of Thirst was banned then replaced in South Korea. According to Variety, “The ban is the work of the South Korea’s Media Rating Board, which has become more strict about the depiction of sexuality these days.” (Quoted from “Thirst” Poster Banned In South Korea)

Related to the Japanese movie, mainly ghost story about retaliation, they usually use the ghost or the main actor of the movie as their attraction of the posters. It can engage people more because it seem scarier and they will have a first taste of the movie when they see the poster.
The effects of the advertisement will be more efficient because it wil make a assumption to the people of the movie. And the contrast of the movie name of the poster can bring a bit phobia to the people.

But why people want to watch the horror movie?  They want to have an exciting moment on the cinema? They want to be afraid of something? Or, especially the boys, they want to hug a girl when she feel scary?

In Psychoanalysis, consciousness is the surface, only the subconscious can reveal the nature of the human psyche. The modern horror film reflects the fear and anxiety and even to the conscious experience of fear to pursue. From the audience's point of view, through the viewing experience, triggered by excitement and joy, thereby eliminating the accumulated real-life negative pressure. Although the horror movie itself is based on the performance for the purpose of terror, but the spirit of analysis which reveals the deep psychological level, the objective is not to deepen the audience's psychological terror, but rather people's negative pressure can be from vent.

Therefore, when we want to watch a horror movie, it is not only have exciting experience of the movie, but also a reflection of the pressure you are facing of .So have fun in the horror movie to reduce your pressure! Don’t just focus on the girl beside you because she may not the real one! =]

At last, please look forward to the next article of Movie & culture series!

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