Nowadays, movie has became one of the prevalent entertainment in Hong Kong. It is easy for us to find movie information through the Internet.
Then, how can we found out current movies' information in Hong Kong?
It is easy, first for the current or upcoming movie in Hong Kong, you can use these websites:
In this site, you can check the synopsis of current movies and upcoming movies. Also, it has a column for the introduction of latest DVDs release.
2. (Chinese Version only)
Here, you can check for the synopsis of the current and upcoming movies in Hong Kong, also you can use the tool of Google Maps in this site to check which cinema had provided which movies.
3. Broadway circuit (Chinese & English version provided)
It is the official website of Broadway, you can use their website to check the current and upcoming movies' information and trailers of current movies. Moreover, you can buy tickets through this website, but you need to sign up an account first.
Okay, but what should I do if I want to find an international one?
1. Apple - Movie trailers is the movie trailer website in Apple, you can find out some of the current or upcoming movies' synopsis, official websites and trailers in different resolutions, for example, the majority of them provides a High-Definition videos for the trailers, you can choose among 480p, 720p and 1080p. Also, you can view the box-office on this week.
2. The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) is the biggest Internet database of movies. You can found out the current and upcoming movies' information bu clicking the left column: "Opening this week" and "Coming soon".There will show some images and the basic information of the film. Also, there is a message board, you can see some comments of that movie too. If you want to buy DVD or Blu-ray, they would also lead you to the amazon pages.
What should I do if I want to find some information of the old movies?
1. The Internet Movie Database (IMDb)
Sure! The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) can give you a favour! You just need to type the movie name on the search bar, then you can find the movie you like! However, for the Hong Kong films, such as "Shaolin Soccer", after you input the name of the movie in the search bar, you would find that the results show the film name on Cantonese Pinyin: "Siu lam juk kau", it would not show the international title on the heading.
For the Chinese movies, you may find it on this database. Also, Just like I had done on IMDb before, I tried to find "Shaolin Soccer"(2001) on this database and it can find it successfully. However, when I tried to find other Hong Kong movie such as "Golden Chicken" (2002), I cannot find it on this database, but on IMDb. For the latest movies, it seems to be no problem. This is an alternative way for those who want to find Chinese movies on a database in Chinese.
So, you see? To find the latest information on the Internet is just a piece of cake! If you want to know more about movies, expecially current and upcoming movies, visit these sites!
Next: Movie & Internet series (Finale): I wanna watch movie!
Next: Movie & Internet series (Finale): I wanna watch movie!
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